95 Acres
Contract Value
June 2024
24 Months
Problem Solved
The project start date was delayed due to governmental permitting processes, while the major milestone dates still remained in place.
In order to meet our commitment dates and have a building pad ready for the school district, our team developed numerous plans and then selected the best fit allowing for us to meet the scheduled milestones.
Scope of Work
Completed the sitework & building pad for the future construction of a new Intermediate School in Central Pennsylvania. This project required us to move approximately 314,000 cubic yards of dirt, as well as installation of 5,800 linear feet of storm, 4,300 feet of water main, and 16,500 square yards of asphalt.
We were able to utilize our mobile crushers to make stone out of the existing rock we blasted and unearthed. Making the most out of the materials already onsite. Our team was able to accomplish all of this by working S+H+S Together.
Customer Contact: Matt Eshelman | meshelman@chnsite.com
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