211 Lots
Contract Value
4 Years
Problem Solved
This project demonstrated the team’s commitment to every aspect of our promise. We were able to deliver the project on time and under budget with everyone going home safe every single night. Because of out success with the first project phase, we were able to secure the remaining three phases of construction and deliver home sites ahead of the owner’s timeline.
Scope of Work
We managed construction while self-performing preconstruction services, overall survey and construction layout, 185,208 cubic yards of bulk earthwork, 48,000+ linear feet of underground stormwater, water, and sanitary lines, paving, landscaping, and offsite infrastructure work.
We also were responsible for running a new sewer line connecting directly with the Quarryville sewer plant, which required boring underneath existing rail lines.
Customer Contact: Matt Eshelman | meshelman@chnsite.com
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